It has been come to our notice that fake job offers, fake online work from home assignment & fake sale offers for Products like Mobile , Electronics etc. are been circulated on behalf of Sky Solutions Private Limited by certain individuals or entities claiming they are authorized person / representatives or subsidiaries or under contract with Sky Solutions Private Limited.
Sky Solutions Private Limited does NOT :
1. Send Job offers or any work from home assignments or sale any products online or offline through any mail services , Short Message Services ( SMS), Tele calling, Whats App or any other means of communications.
2. Request payment of any kind from prospective clients / public / candidates.
3. Authorize anyone to either collect money or arrive at any monetary arrangement in return for any Job / Certification / Product / Service / Work from home assignments etc. at Sky Solutions Private Limited.
Sky Solutions Private Limited will not be responsible to anyone`s action on an employment offer / online job / online work from home assignments / sale of any products & for any acts of anyone making such fraudulent representation on behalf of our company and receiving any benefits monetary or non monetary out of these representations as we are not at all in these trades or area of operations neither we have assigned to any agency. We reserves right to take legal action, including criminal actions, cyber crime case against such individuals / entities.
If you receive any such unauthorized, suspicious or fraudulent offers on mail / calls / SMS / Whatsapp or any other nature, please write us mail at :